Wednesday, 26 March 2014

One month on

This is what I have been trying to do everyday since I got to Adelaide. This whole moving countries and draining my entire savings thing still scares me. Considering that the course and the culture is still new to me, I still get intimidated on an almost daily basis and am out of my comfort zone for most of the time. But I'm trying to just enjoy the journey and breathe, and to always always keep the goal in sight! 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Writings from another land

Exactly a month ago, I packed the last of my items for a new adventure in a new country. The act of dumping and arranging clothes to fit into the rectangular confines of the luggage signified a consolidation and the beginning of an unknown step in another totally different direction.

And now here I am in beautiful Adelaide, studying for my Masters degree in an area that I truly feel passionate about. I cannot even begin to count the number of times I doubted my decision or cried at the strangeness of things. But I can only look ahead and keep the desired end in mind. A stagnant career in a office job just did not suit me and drove me close to depression. So I am glad I decided to make the move even if it means leaving behind a stable income and starting my career all over again. 

The monthly night market

Despite my initial concerns about the city and the idea that most have of Adelaide as a boring place, I'm growing to enjoy the place and the many great neighbourhoods around South Australia. I can't wait to share more about my little adventures on this space! Until then!

View from my new home

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

A new adventure

The part time wanderer is currently a full time student in an exciting new place!

I am slowly settling in and finding my routine, so any updates will come at a later date. Although I am living off my savings until I find a casual job, I still hope to continue travelling and exploring the beautiful country in between school.