Breakfast is a happy occasion for me because my stomach really looks forward to it after the night's fast.
Mummy recently told me a story involving my tiny toddler self and a sugar plum. Apparently I was happily (and violently) sucking on it and she had wanted to remove it to peel off more skin and prevent me from swollowing the entire fruit, and I screamed in protest. Guess my deadly sin is really gluttony.
Stories aside, I put together a quick and easy breakfast of shirred eggs on this beautiful Sunday morning and thought of sharing it (anything involving ramekins and oven baked eggs make me salivate).
First, chop up two tomatoes and an onion into cubes while heating up a mix of olive oil and butter on the stove. Then cook the chopped veggies till soft. Add chopped basil, salt and pepper to taste.
Next, oil the ramekins and pour the cooked items, filling about 1/3 of the pots. Crack a egg into each ramekin and pour a little more of the cooked mixture in.
Shove ramekins into oven till eggs are done (about 15 minutes).
Eat with toasted bread. Yum tums.